Gronghui May 27 δΈ¨ Zhaoxun Media (301102metaverseandgamingcrypto.SZ) announced that May 27, 2024 Lianmei Quantum Co., Ltd., controlling shareholder of Zhaoxun Media Advertising Co., Ltd.(referred to as "Lianmei Holdings (600167)") and its wholly-owned subsidiary Shenyang Huaxin Lianmei Asset Management Co., Ltd.(referred to as "Huaxin Lianmei") and 366 Mobile Internet Technology Co., Ltd.(referred to as "366" or "Acquirer") signed the "Share Transfer Agreement between Lianmei Quantum Co., Ltd. and Shenyang Huaxin Lianmei Asset Management Co., Ltd. and 366 Mobile Internet Technology Co., Ltd. Regarding Zhaoxun Media Advertising Co., Ltd.", Lianmei Holdings and Huaxin Lianmei intend to transfer their respective holdings to the 366 AgreementmetaverseandgamingcryptoZhaoxun Media initially restricted the sale of 215 outstanding sharesmetaverseandgamingcrypto, 325,000 shares and 2,175,000 shares, accounting for the total share capital of the listed companymetaverseandgamingcrypto75%.

metaverseandgamingcrypto| Zhaoxun Media (301102.SZ): The controlling shareholder will be changed to 366

This share transfer is an agreed transfer between different entities controlled by the same controller. It involves a change in the controlling shareholder of the listed company and has not resulted in a change in the actual controller of the listed company. After the completion of this transaction, San66 will become the controlling shareholder of the company.