Lei Jun: All the gifts received during the live broadcast will be returned. Everyone just brush the lollipops

[CNMO Technology News] May 18topblockchaingamingcompaniesLei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Company, once again held a live broadcast on Douyin platform, and the Xiaomi SU7 Pro model was officially unveiled. In this live broadcast, Lei Jun himself will test the battery life, energy consumption and smart driving capabilities of Xiaomi SU7 Pro. During this live broadcast, Lei Jun fulfilled his previous promise and activated the Live streaming tipping function.

topblockchaingamingcompanies| Lei Jun: All the gifts received during the live broadcast will be returned. Everyone just brush the lollipops

During the last live broadcast on Douyin, Lei Jun did not turn on the gift function or bring goods. He was "complained" by netizens at the time that he was "wasting the traffic." Lei Jun also laughed in the live broadcast room: "topblockchaingamingcompaniesI don't reject it, but I'm just worried that if everyone scams too much, the live broadcast room will appear chaotic. Why don't I think about opening a gift or something next time? In fact, I think it would be good to accept some gifts from everyone." As a result, on today's live broadcast, Lei Jun really "fulfilled his promise" and turned on the gift function. In the live broadcast room, he saw netizens flashing their gifts, which was unprecedented.

Lei Jun said that all the gifts received during this live broadcast will be converted into benefits and returned to everyone when they come back: "Thank you, everyone, for your gifts. We will convert all the gifts you have received into benefits next time." "Everyone just brush some lollipops and express their feelings."

Some netizens joked that Lei Jun's own bank card balance may be longer than everyone's mobile phone number.

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(This article comes from Mobile China)