In early trading today, A shares continued to fluctuate, with the Shenzhen Composite Index falling below the 9200-point integer mark, the Shanghai Composite Index trying to support 3000 points again, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen index approaching 3500 points.

On the market, artificial intelligence, daily chemical industry, underground pipe network, low-altitude economy and other plates led the increase, while non-ferrous, gold, oil, coal and other plates led the decline.

There are broad prospects for the renewal and renovation of underground pipe networks.

The underground pipe network concept stock bucked the trend and opened high in the morning, and the plate index rose nearly 3%.

The tender shares rose 20% vertically only about 2 minutes after the opening of trading, while Han Jian Heshan (603616) also rose in a straight line in only about 4 minutes, while Jianyan Design, Deepwater Regulation Institute, Shunyu shares and Zhongshi shares (002883) rose by more than 10%.

At the press conference of the State Council New Office yesterday, Vice Minister of Finance Wang Dongwei said that policy tools such as the issuance of additional treasury bonds, special bonds of local governments, and investment in the central budget will be made good use of to promote the construction of key areas and major projects. In the next step, together with relevant departments, we will support some large and medium-sized cities to implement urban renewal actions and carry out the renovation of underground pipe networks.

In addition, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning for rainstorm this morning. It is expected that there will be heavy to torrential rain in western Liaoning, southeast of Xizang, southern Guangdong, southeastern Fujian, western Taiwan Island and other areas from 8: 00 on April 23 to 8: 00 on April 24. There are torrential rains (100mm to 130mm) along the southeast coast of Guangdong.

According to data from the Guangdong Fire and Rescue Corps, from 00: 00 on April 18 to 20:00 on April 21, the fire and rescue team received 714 police reports related to heavy rainfall and dispatched 4547 fire and rescue personnel, 856 fire engines and 523 boats, rescuing and transferring a total of 1534 people trapped.

Shenzhen also has multi-district upgraded rainstorm red alert. According to Shenzhen Weather Weibo, in the past 3 hours, cumulative rainfall in Shenzhen's Luohu District, Nanshan District, Futian District, Baoan District, Guangming District, Longhua District and Longang District (Henggang, Buji, Sakantian, Nanwan, Pinghu, Jihua Street) has reached rainstorm, and heavy rainfall is expected to last for another 2 hours. The Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory upgraded the above areas to a red rainstorm warning signal at 11:00 today. The whole city is in a state of emergency defense against rainstorms. Please do your defense work quickly and stay away from dangerous areas such as low-lying areas prone to waterlogging. The risk of mountain torrents in the above areas is very high. Pay attention to the prevention of rainstorms and their triggers.SpincasinobonusDisasters such as waterlogging, mountain torrents, landslides, debris flows, ground collapses, etc. Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens obey the arrangement of the school.

spincasinobonus| Vertical 20% daily limit in 2 minutes! A-shares are on another track, and underground pipe network concept stocks suddenly show a surge in trading.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has said that the largest lining project in the city is complicated underground pipelines, and the annual transformation of 100000 kilometers of underground pipelines is a strong support for the strategy of stimulating and expanding domestic demand and will play a positive role in activating the market and stimulating the economy. According to industry insiders, if more than 100000 kilometers of underground pipelines are rebuilt every year, it is expected to be nearly 5000 related enterprises.Spincasinobonus.650,000 employees bring more opportunities.

Guorong Securities pointed out that with the full development of urban physical examination in cities at prefectural level and above, the pipe network problems found by the physical examination will be solved quickly, involving a number of industries, such as design, construction, materials, equipment, monitoring and maintenance. According to preliminary estimates, during the 14th five-year Plan period, the investment in the transformation of underground pipe networks across the country will exceed one trillion yuan, and the industry has broad prospects for development.

Artificial intelligence is expected to grow explosively.

The concept of artificial intelligence was collectively strong in the morning, in which the Sora concept opened higher and went higher, the stock index rose nearly 4% in intraday trading, half-day turnover exceeded yesterday's all-day turnover, and related sectors such as ChatGPT concept, multimodal AI, AIGC concept and virtual reality also rose strongly. Annoch (300067), Kaiyuan Education, Debi Group and other related sectors also rose by more than 10%.

Recently, there has been a lot of big news about artificial intelligence. According to foreign media reports, Apple has acquiredSpincasinobonusDatakalab, a French artificial intelligence start-up company specializing in artificial intelligence compression and computer vision. Apple plans to use artificial intelligence to make it easier for users to use their phones, with a focus on improving the Siri experience and better performance in natural language understanding.

Musk recently said on social media that by the end of next year or 2026, the new artificial intelligence model may surpass human intelligence and be smarter than the smartest people. This is much earlier than the 2029 time point he predicted last year.

Domestically, Baidu founder Robin Li interacted with his AI product "Xiaodu" at the 2024 AI developer Conference recently. Li Yanhong said: "in the future, developing applications will be as simple as shooting videos. Everyone is a 'developer'." On the same day, officially brought founder Liu Qiangdong's "AI Digital Man" to the studio to start the first show of the live broadcast. In addition, Tencent, byte beat and other domestic Internet "big companies" have recently made continuous moves to strengthen the field of artificial intelligence.

According to the Quantum think Tank, the market size of China's generative artificial intelligence (AIGC) is expected to reach 1.1491 trillion yuan by 2030. In the future, the development of artificial intelligence is expected to show explosive growth.

Ping an Securities believes that the current global competition in the field of large models is still white-hot, which will continue to increase the overall capacity level of the model. Large models need big computing power, and the iterative upgrading of large model algorithms will provide a strong driving force for the growth of the global and Chinese AI computing market.

This article was first posted on the official account of Wechat: e Company. The content of the article belongs to the author's personal point of view and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.