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[May 20ridikacasino, steel mills collectively raise building materials prices]

Today's market observation shows that about 24 steel mills have adjusted the ex-factory prices of building materials, and thread prices have generally risen, with the highest increase reaching 50 yuan/ton.

The adjustment of steel mills in the Northwest Region shows that the ex-factory prices of construction steel in Bayi, Kunyu and Kunlun have all increased by 50 yuan/ton.

[Northeast Region] In China, Xinfu Steel made a slight adjustment, and the price of thread increased by 10 yuan/ton.

ridikacasino| Steel mill price adjustment on May 20: rebar increased by up to 70 yuan/ton

In North China, steel mills such as Donghua, Jinzhou, Jinnan, Gaoyi and Inner Mongolia Yaxin have all raised the prices of related products, with increases ranging from 10 to 20 yuan/ton.

[East China Region] The market reacted strongly. Six companies, Nangang, Changjiang, Yongfeng, Shiheng, Shangang and Masang, raised the prices of rebar and coil screws one after another. Yongfeng and Shiheng increased the most, reaching 50 yuan and 70 yuan/ton.

[Central China Region] Four steel mills, Liangang, Xianggang, Minyuan and Jiyuan, all raised the prices of rebar and other wire rods and coil screws, with the same increase, all of which were 20 yuan/ton.

[South China Region] The market showed different trends. The prices of rebar, wire rod and coil screws at Guifeng, Guixin, Wangang and Jinshenglan steel mills have been lowered across the board, with drops of 30 yuan/ton.

The price adjustments of each steel mill include tax.