May 10thSignupbonuspokerThe public welfare selection activity of the energy industry "Green Energy Star" high-quality awards initiated by the China Energy Industry Development Network was successfully held in Beijing.SignupbonuspokerWith its outstanding achievements in technological innovation, quality leadership and brand building, Aixu Co., Ltd. won the "Green Star three transformations" Outstanding Achievement Enterprise Award.

"Green Energy Star" is a unique landmark activity in the energy industry, with "safe and reliable, green, low-carbon, clean and efficient" as the core elements of the election. The "three transformations" Outstanding Achievement Enterprise Award aims to identify energy leaders that promote the transformation of Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation, Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and Chinese products to Chinese brands.

signupbonuspoker| Moving towards green and creating quality changes Aixu Co., Ltd. won the "Green Energy Star·'Three Transformations' Outstanding Achievement Enterprise Award"

As the world's leading new energy technology company, Aixu has always driven technology research and development and product iteration with subversive innovation. In the p-type era, the tubular PERC technology invented by Aixu promotes the industry to enter the PERC era rapidly. When the improvement of the efficiency of PERC battery is approaching the limit and the n-type technology is about to come out, Aixu chose the BC technology route which is closest to the ultimate conversion efficiency of crystalline silicon battery. At present, the average conversion efficiency of the ABC battery independently developed by Aixu is as high as 27.Signupbonuspoker.2%, mass production efficiency of components 24SignupbonuspokerIt has been at the top of the TaiyangNews world component mass production efficiency list for 14 consecutive months. In terms of capacity layout, Aixu already has the capacity of 25GW ABC battery modules and is the only GW-level mass production enterprise in n-type BC field.

The award of this award is a full affirmation of Aixu's benchmark role in leading photovoltaic technology innovation and promoting the construction of the BC ecological chain. Shouldering the mission of "bringing surging power to a zero-carbon society", Aixu will always take product technology and engineering manufacturing innovation as the core driving force, continue to convert products of higher efficiency and better quality, and create higher value for customers. to provide Aoxu kinetic energy for "developing new productivity and building an energy power".

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