thebiggamepoker| Business community: The 19th week of 2024 (5.6-5.10)

According to business community price monitoringthebiggamepoker, Week 19 of 2024 (5thebiggamepoker.6-5.10) A total of 112 commodities rose month-on-month in the commodity price rise and fall list, concentrated in the chemical sector (52 in total) and the non-ferrous sector (15 in total). Commodities with an increase of more than 5% were mainly concentrated in the chemical sector; the top three commodities with increases were hydrochloric acid (15.38%), polyethylene glycol (7.44%), and m-phenylenediamine (6.73%).

A total of 85 commodities fell month-on-month, concentrated in chemicals (35 in total) and textiles (13 in total). Commodities with a decline of more than 5% were mainly concentrated in the chemical sector; the top three commodities with declines were sulfuric acid (-9.17%), forsythia (-6.52%), and polysilicon (-6.41%).

The average price this week was 0.2%.

Remarks: Crude oil is US dollar/barrel, gold is yuan/gram, silver is yuan/kilogram, glass is yuan/square meter, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, egg, pig, dwarf lilyturf, forsythia, angelica, codonopsis pilosula, wolfberry, pseudo-ginseng, astragalus, honeysuckle are yuan/kg, and the rest is yuan/ton.