The total number of May 1st series set a new record in film history, and the total box office exceeded previous market expectations.

According to the Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 21:11 on May 5, the box office of 2024 51 (May 1-May 5) has exceeded 15.3reels.22 billion, surpassing the May 1 box office in 2023 (15.3reels.21 billion), at the same time, it entered the top three at the box office in the May 1st category of Chinese film history.

Statistics show that during the May Day period this year, the total number of moviegoers was 37.637 million and the total number of shows was 2.4 million, setting a new record for 51 shows in film history. "peacekeeping and Riot team" grossed more than 400 million yuan at the box office.3reelsRanked No. 5 at the top of the box office. "spending money at the end of the road", "the siege of Kowloon walled City", "Spy Family Code: White" and "Hal's Mobile Castle" are among the top five. Among them, the box office crown of the first two days of the period was won by "peacekeeping and Anti-riot team". From the third day, "spending money at the end" counterattacked and maintained.3reelsThe top position at the box office three days after the opening period.

"peacekeeping and Anti-riot team" is starring Huang Jingyu and Wang Yibo, and Wanda Film (002739.SZ) is in charge of casting. Other producers include Zhongzhong (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Jiecheng Century Culture Industry Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taobaopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. The producers of "spending money at the end" include China Film (600977.SH), Beijing Happy Mahua Film Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., etc. In addition, "Spy Family Code: White" and "Hal's Mobile Castle", which ranked fourth and fifth in the period, were also introduced and released by Chinese films.


Zhang Tong, a senior analyst at the Cat Eye Research Institute, said that on the whole, the overall market performance of May 1 this year, especially the box office performance on the first day of the period, exceeded pre-screening expectations, mainly due to the higher proportion of tickets purchased on that day than in previous years, the enthusiasm of the audience to buy tickets immediately was high, and the box office performance of the first film exceeded expectations. In addition, due to the box office of many films over 100 million, and the top two box office results are relatively close, the box office concentration of the head film has declined. From the portraits of ticket buyers, the overall number of ticket buyers in the market is older (≥ 25) and more female.

Chen Jin, a data analyst for the professional edition of Lighthouse, said that May 1 this year continued the more prominent characteristics of female audiences in the popular season, with women accounting for more than 60% of the audience, while also sinking more, with box office sales in third-and fourth-tier cities accounting for nearly 40%. In addition, the proportion of audiences over the age of 40 in May 1 this year is the highest in history, and the demand for families to watch movies continues to expand.

"the proportion of viewers who bought tickets on the first day of May 1 this year is relatively high, close to 70%. The audience's decision-making time for buying tickets is more lagging behind than before, and they prefer to make temporary decisions to watch movies on that day, which also makes it more important for the market to spread word-of-mouth after screening. On the other hand, it also shows that the rigid demand of audiences in the large-scale period is still sufficient." Chen Jin said.

What is worth paying attention to is that at 12:00 on May 5, the official announcement of "nothing that cannot be solved by Hot Pot" starring Yang Mi was withdrawn. The producer of the film said that since its release, the film has failed to meet with more audiences due to various environmental factors. After a careful study of the current situation, in order to meet the needs of more audiences, the film will be withdrawn on May 6 (the studio that has already opened can continue to be shown) and see you again on another day.

As of 19:00 on May 5, "nothing that can't be solved by Hot Pot" grossed 53.0966 million yuan, according to Cat's Eye Professional. There are as many as 16 products behind the film, including Shanghai Taobaopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., and 300291.SZ.

There is not only "nothing that can't be solved by a Hot Pot" who withdrew from May 1st, but Xiaoqian, the first light animation work of 300251.SZ, was scheduled to be released on April 30th, but it was announced on April 23rd.

On the investor interaction platform, Light Media said that the withdrawal of "Xiaoqian" is mainly due to two factors: first, as a small schedule for May 1 this year, more than a dozen films have been released, showing a state of overcrowding, resulting in a low proportion of film production and a sharp increase in marketing costs. Second, the release time from the production of "Xiaoqian" is relatively short, the relevant marketing promotion has not yet been fully carried out, and the market heat needs to be improved. Combining the above two reasons, the company decided to withdraw the file.

In its latest research report, CIC Securities pointed out that the box office performance of May 1 exceeded the previous market expectations of 1.3 billion, following the Spring Festival and Qingming Festival, once again verifying the logic of a strong recovery in the domestic film market.

Huaxin Securities said that on the whole, the proportion of May 1st file is relatively low in the whole year, and the normal proportion fluctuates at 1.2% Murray 3.5%. The core is concerned about the following summer vacation files.