Performance Review in 2023: the growth rate of operating income is upward, the overall income scale of the industry continues to increase, the downward trend of net profit is significantly narrowed, and the industry begins to pick up. Under the holistic approach, income increases and the decline in net profit narrows. The computer industry achieved revenue of 11960.Haktutsspin2022.9.7 billion yuan, an increase of 2.19%, an increase of 0.83Pcts; the net profit of 31.008 billion yuan, down 11.61% from the same period last year, narrowed the rate of decline in 28.05pcts compared with the same period last year, and the rate of decline was significantly narrowed. One of the obvious influencing factors is the impairment of goodwill. The impairment of goodwill in 2023 is 10.47 billion yuan, which is the impairment of goodwill in 2022.Haktutsspin2022Nearly five times as much. Assuming that the impairment of goodwill is excluded, the industry's net profit in 2023 is 41.478 billion yuan, compared with 37.186 billion yuan in 2022, an increase of 11.54 percent year on year. Under the median method, both income and profit increase. Revenue increased by 3.26%, increased by 1.96Pcts, net profit increased by 1.38%, increased by 20.11Pcts, and non-homed net profit increased by-5.94%, increasing 17.40Pcts. The number of personnel in the industry decreased slightly, while continuing to control operating costs, R & D and sales expenses increased slightly. The cash flow of business activities is improving, and the number of dividend-sharing companies is increasing. At the same time, operating cash flow has improved significantly. Industry gross profit margin is 27.24%, increase 0.31Pcts, sales, management and R & D expense rate total increase 0.9pcts. The sectors that achieve performance growth are mainly concentrated in smart cars, electric power IT, industrial software, bank IT, non-bank IT. 2024Q1 performance review: income continued to grow, home net profit declined. Both income and net profit of the industrial software sector increased. 24Q1 income was 2450.21 yuan, an increase of 5.19%, and an increase in 6.18Pcts growth. In the SW computer sector, revenue from 210 companies increased year-on-year, accounting for 59.15% of the total number of companies in the industry. The overall net profit of the industry decreased by 94.67% compared with the same period last year, while the deduction of non-net profit increased the loss compared with the same period last year. Under the median method, the growth rate of income decreases, while the growth rate of return net profit and deduction of non-net profit both move down. 2024Q1's overall gross profit margin was 25.52%, down 1.07Pcts from the same period last year. The rate of sales / management / R & D expenses decreased slightly. 2024Q1, revenue growth for smart cars, industrial software, computing, military information, enterprise services, basic software and hardware. The increase in net profit is achieved by industrial software. The allocation ratio of heavy stocks in the 2024Q1 industry fell back to 3.60%, a month-on-month decline of 1.36Pcts, which is lower than the standard allocation ratio 0.34pcts. From the perspective of institutional positions in TOP10, the most concerned sectors in the first quarter are computing power, low-level economy and going out to sea. Risk hints: differences in industry classification, position analysis based on fund disclosure of the top ten heavy stocks, historical trend does not represent the future trend. [disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

haktutsspin2022|计算机行业2023和2024Q1业绩总结:破浪前行 曙光初现