Interface News reporter | Qin Siyue

Interface News Editor | Lou Zhanqin

Another VP (Vice President) levelToptencryptogamesOf the executives left Under Armour.

The US sports brand said in a public document released this month that Tchernavia Rocker, the company's chief personnel and administrative officer, would leave the company on June 1, 2024 for "personal reasons". According to public information, Tchernavia Rocker joined Anderma in 2019 and has worked for Anderma for five years.

In a statement, CEO Kevin Plank, founder and current CEO Kevin Plank, thanked Tchernavia Rocker: "Tchernavia has played a key role in fostering inclusiveness, diversity and team members' development culture, which makes Anderma one of the most trusted companies in the United States."

Anderma's executives, including the outgoing Tchernavia Rocker, have changed several times in the past four months.

First, Yassine Saidi, a designer who had worked in Puma and Adidas, replaced Dan Leraris as the company's new chief product officer. Less than two months after Yassine Saidi joined the company, CEO Stephanie Linnartz stepped down and Kevin Plank, founder and chairman of the brand, returned to the post of brand CEO. Then came the news this month that Tchernavia Rocker was leaving office.

In the early years, Anderma, who gained a place in the sports world by virtue of sweat-absorbing professional fitness clothes and sportswear, has been faced with problems such as single design, lack of female products, lack of fashion and so on.

Although Anderma attracts a certain number of female users by virtue of its brand effect, its current investment in female products is still not enough to respond to the expectations of the market. In the Little Red Book, there are not a few notes that brand female products are "strangled", "unreasonable design", "less color choice" and so on.

Anderma has also struggled to stabilize the market for male users. In the most "roll" of footwear products, in addition to spending a lot of money to sign Curry's CURRY FLOW series basketball shoes, Anderma has not produced any other "explosions" in the last two years. For the entire fiscal year 2023, Anderma's sales rose only 3 percent year-on-year to $5.9 billion.Toptencryptogames9.3 billion yuan). By category, sales of all Anderma categories fell, except for a 16% increase in footwear revenue to $1.5 billion.

toptencryptogames| Anderma urgently needs a stable management

In fact, when Stephanie Linnartz was in office, he tried to solve these problems, explicitly proposing to increase the proportion of women's products and signing up new designers to design new "fashion styles." To achieve these goals, Stephanie Linnartz also made a big change in the company's management: Marriott-born Stephanie Linnartz brought its former employer partner Jim Dausch, who is Anderma's executive vice president and chief consumer officer. The chief product officer and chief operating officer of the company at that time left at the same time after Jim Dausch came to Anderma.

However, before many of Stephanie Linnartz's measures were effective, or even before they could be implemented, Kevin Plank regained control of the company's steering wheel.

In 2017, Kevin Plank ceded power at the request of shareholders and employees because of its autocratic style. Today, however, this temperament makes shareholders expect him to reorganize the management team and lead the brand to continue to grow.

Kevin Plank has been at the helm of the company for nearly a month. However, apart from the departure of another senior executive, there is no news of any major strategic adjustment at the company level. It still seems unclear how the big ship, Anderma, will turn around in the future.

Judging from the recent actions, the return of Kevin Plank may also bring a period of turmoil to Anderma's management. Upheaval is inevitable, but its duration needs to be brought under control.

In the past two years, due to the change of the head of the company, the head of Anderma's product and marketing department has changed frequently, which is not a good thing for the strategy implementation of the related business. Anderma, who is now in a dilemma of development, is in urgent need of a stable and strategic management of the company.