Reporter | Shen Yun

Two weeks in a row13poker, the former "Yamao" general health care (rights protection) ( because of the related party13pokerGot two tickets for money management problems.

13poker| After receiving warning letters for two consecutive weeks, why does Tongce Medical always stumble in related party fund management?

On the evening of May 23, Tongze Medical announcement received the decision on administrative supervision measures of Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau. According to the company's annual report, in 2023, Tongze Medical subsidiary Zhejiang Tongze Stomatological Hospital Investment Management Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Tongze") will be its Hangzhou Angel Dental Clinic Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou Angel") 6513poker.00% equity and 51.00% equity of Beijing Sanye Fashion Oral Clinic Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Fashion") have been transferred to Beijing Cunji Stomatological Hospital Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Cunji") at a price of 1 yuan.

However, it was disclosed that as of December 31, 2023, Tongshi Medical had temporary loans to Beijing Fashion and Hangzhou Angels, which were 3.1099 million yuan and 786000 yuan respectively, totaling 3.8959 million yuan. The loan was not fully recovered until April 25, 2024.

Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau believes that the company's failure to resolve the loan provided to it before the completion of the equity transfer transaction between Beijing Fashion and Hangzhou Angel constitutes the occupation of non-operating funds by related parties. The company did not disclose the non-operating occupation of funds of listed companies by the above-mentioned related parties in the semi-annual report of 2023 and the annual report of 2023.

Lu Jianming, the then chairman and general manager of the company, Wang Yi, the chairman and general manager, Xu Guoxi, the chief financial officer, and Zhang Hua, the secretary of the board of directors, were mainly responsible for the above behavior. together with listed companies, Beijing Fashion and Hangzhou Angels, supervision and management measures issued with warning letters were taken and recorded in the integrity files of the securities and futures market.

The interface news reporter noted that on May 16, due to the failure to return 112 million yuan in financial aid to the listed company in time, Zhejiang Tongze Eye Hospital Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Lu Jianming, the actual controller, have just received a warning letter.

As a matter of fact, the "unclear" financial exchanges with related parties have been a "stubborn disease" of General Strategy Medical for many years.

Prior to this, General Strategy Medical was found to have a series of problems of lack of independence. It includes undisclosed related party transactions and seal management.

During the period from October 19 to December 30, 2021, the company has non-operating capital exchanges with enterprises controlled by the actual controller, involving an amount of 143 million yuan. As a result, Lu Jianming was once placed on file for investigation and eventually fined 1 million yuan.

In addition, in seal management, General Strategy Medical and the related party seal management controlled by the actual controller use the same OA system for examination and approval. In terms of personnel management, there are cases where the financial personnel of the company apply for the use of the seal of the listed company and the seal of the related party at the same time. In terms of fund management, there are cases in which related party fund payments are examined and approved by financial personnel of listed companies.

It is worth noting that in the latest election of the board of directors, Lu Jianming, who has served as chairman of the board for 18 years, is no longer re-elected and withdraws from the board of directors, officially retreating from the second line.